Wednesday, March 7, 2007

!@#$%^&*()_+ im so tired now):

just now was crap. i came in third. and a SEC ONE beat me! wtf -_-|| she came in first and i came in third! AHHHHHH! 200m sucks. well, at least i did better in this than 100m. HAHA O.o oh i almost gave up halfway. too tired. XD then i thought about something. and i just kept running and running.

ok i shall tell you why im so tired now.

the story begins.
1.40! AHHHHH! rushed out with trisha. she went to change. i went to pee. HAHA ok yeah then we thought 4x400 girls dont have to go. like go after school. THEN! we went to the bus bay. okaaaay. then! i saw so many people. so i asked. WAHHHHHH! the relay people had to go too -_-|| so i put my bag with trisha and RAN all the way back to CLASS. -_-|| eeeek! so tiring. i was dying when i went back to class. then i nearly died. seriously. -_-|| i need to run more. damn. haha ok anyway, chased glynis, annabell and khoon thing out of class. GLYNIS TAKES SO LONG JUST TO CHANGE TO PE -_-|| so i nagged at her ALOT. until she was pissed. HAHA XD then she finally came out -_-|| AFTER SOOOO LONGGGG~ hahah then rushed to the bus bay. nice nice trisha, waited for us(: ming yi went off with uhh her netball team mates. mm yep.

uh very long story. i shall not continue:D

anyway! i came in third for 200m. and yeahh A FRIGGING SEC ONE BEAT ME): lydia came in second. AHHHHHH! i feel damn useless la! run so slow): AHHHHHHH! then one sec one fell :O i didnt know. until i finished. O.o and she was like NEXT to me somemore. AHHHHHHH! i felt bad. ok anyway annabell! khoon ting! glynis! trisha! you did your best! (: thats what matters(: its ok(:

HAHAHA SOMETHING FUNNY TO TELL YOU! trisha and i suck at long jump man! hahah we both got fouls for all! HAHAHAHA qingyi ah! purposely get fouls for all -_-|| riiight. hahahah anyway, im bored

and what the hell. i have tuition later. NO MOOD FOR TUITION LA!


i dont want tuition. RAWR! its science, and most probably i'll fall asleep. so tired):


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