Wednesday, March 21, 2007

time to runaway?
yes it is
cos i cant stand these shits anymore

today! we had PE! :D :D :D yay yay yay! ok why am i so happy about it? ohh yeah! i passed the 10round crap. came in second last.): i was pulling yanyan the whole way. she kept wanting to stop laaa! and she walked alot. :/ then! last round! she wanted to stop totally! :O kept dragging her along. cos it was just the last round. anyway, im just glad this half of the class passed(: go the other half of 2pr!(:

wth i just found out something. now im shocked.

anyway, lessons were ok today XD i wasnt as tired. (:

ohh! i feel happy. my throat feels better. even though i didnt take my medications etc etc. hahahah and i ate alot of heaty food. XD surprisingly it didnt swell up like it always does when i run. yay! cos i finally can breath through my nose and not my mouth XD

OHHHHHH! WE HAD TO PRESENT OUR LONG TERM CRAP TODAY FOR OM! IT HELD 22.5KG! LIKE OMG!!!!!! :D :D :D when i asked two other groups, theirs died like around 10kg plus or less than that! SO COOL! and ours was built so last minute too. hahah like we did practically everything yesterday. hahahah XD oh well(: our skit was SO FUNNY i tell ya! XD i was laughing so much while building the structure. hahah (:

ok i think thats about it.

OH!!!! (: im happy today! oh gosh! i love today. HAHAHAH i bought Fruits Basket book 21!!!! XD im so happy! cos its so nice! :D and yet sad too):

oh shit. geog project due on fri. and trisha and i both have NO TIME to do it. !@#$%^&*()_+ so screwed.

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