Sunday, March 4, 2007

haha why am i here in blogger?

i was randomly clicking on links. HAHA

ok anyway

im boreddddd

its late :/ 1+! hahaha

shit. i have tuition tomorrow morning and science tuition in the afternoon. WTFFFFF i wanna skip school on monday la! pon the stupid english test also. damn. now i wanna be sick. i HOPE i lose my voice completely. then can get mc! ha! i shall make myself sick then. HAHAHA jk jk.

im so boredddd! my throat hurts real badly actually. HAHA! i ate so much heaty food today! yum yum!

i have 36521478732895623 mozzie bites on my FOOT! wtf my poor foot! so itchy! so i started scratching like siao. then, skin tore! HAHAHAH now pain like shit. dammit. oh well. I HAVE A FEELING THAT I GREW DARKER! (: YESSS!!!!!!

i cant grow dark la! like what the shit. its like, i got my grand dad's genes of being fair. -_- he was so fair! and my grand ma was very dark. AHHHHH! so my sis and my bro are all VERY dark too. no fair): its like, normally you get a sunburn, then it becomes a tan after that right? mine just disappears -_-|| so shit la.

ok on other matters, im still itchy. HAHA

i really do miss my trainers alot): SALIHA! KERENIA! OP! YING HONG! omg i miss all of them! ): kerenia cried): ying hong was about to cry): then i started joking with her "eh! dont cry la!" then she was like "who's crying! im not crying!" hahah then she pat my cheeks O.o HAHA riiiiight. anyway, i hugged kerenia and saliha! (: op left. HA and i didnt plan on hugging him. abit weird. ANYWAY if i hugged ying hong, it would have been weird too. cos she wasnt versace's trainer. mmhm. sigh!
we came up with nick names for them leh! so funny! saliha is sally. kerenia is kerrie/carrot woman. ying hong is rainbow auntie. HAHA op ah. dont have. but ah, when they call him, i always hear as "KOPI!!!!!" HAHA!

damn im bored. i miss them too much):


i really do miss camp alot. i was looking forward to it, knowing that i will miss camp. yeah in the end i did. OH MANNNNNN! i miss everyone! i miss the


OH MAN! its so fun saying that!

"well done"


"steady steady bom beep beep!"
"beep beep beep bom steady!"

"fu you"


"give me 55 sc claps"
*then we will clap*

"give me 16 sc claps"
*then clap*

"give one clap!"
"two claps!"
"one clap!"
and so on...


"how you feeling"
"gada boom gada boom gada boom boom boom. i feel good denehnehnehneh"


you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are grey
you never know dear
how much i love you
please dont take my sunshine away


you are my sun sun sun sunshine
my only sun sun sun sunshine
you make me heheheheppy
when skies are gregregregrey
*very fast* you never know dear how much i love you please dont take my sunshine away



camp! i wanna go back! i miss every part of Sarimbun camp! i miss the tents! i miss the mud! i miss the whinings, i miss the "sc oi~", i miss every part of camp!

OMG! adventure camp 2007 really rocked<3

i'd do anything just to go back to camp and play like shit. (:

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