Sunday, March 11, 2007

... there's sana tomorrow.

i dont wanna gooooooooo ): i wanna study): [WHOA!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE THAT I WANNA STUDY! O.o] anyway, learning drugs -_-|| gonna be boring la. its not as if we'll be crazy enough to go take drugs RIGHT?

ahhhhhh i hate march holidays. all cramped up with work and so little time. -_-||

anyway, hahahah i still managed to go to nat's house and play XD whoaaaaa fun fun fun(: swimmingggggg! hahah at night! (: so fun! XD qi and i came at uhh 1+? [OMG TRISHA AND I ARE GOING FOR SANA! :D YAY I CAN SEE HER AGAIN! havent seen her since campFEAST! :D] then went to beach road. -_- i seriously hate going there now. HAHA the aunties and unlces can remember me la wth... !@#$%^&*()_+ i dont wanna go beach road anymore. BUT I WANT MORE FBTs! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! this is so shit. ok after that, we got bored. left beach road, and went to bugis. HAHAH i tell you something cool. we took TWO merz cabs! XD then the last cab we took was the sky blue one -_- HAHA NVM! we looked COOL! XD OK ANYWAY! walked around bugis street. then this kimberley ah! go play a trick on us -_- she smsed nat "hey im outside your gate now" then we RUSHED out of the shops. then she smsed nat again "just kidding!" -_-|| EH KIM! your joke very funny hor! hur haha ok anyway, then nat called her. SO FUNNEH XD ok then we went back in and walked. got bored. went back to nat;s house. talked. alot. hahah then forgot what we did. suddenly the whole sky became dark. HAHA XD then we got tempted to go swimming. SO WE DID! (: wooooooosh! fun(: then joanna came! at like 10? WHOAAAAAAA! so late. HAHA swam till uhh 11. SO FUNNY! we tried the coy ic thing in the water. HAHAHAHA so hard to move about. so fun! XD cannot even stamp properly or move properly. HAHA! mm then qi went home): we showered. then ate abit. went up to sleeeeeeeeeep. hahah i was so tired. i fell asleep straight away when we said "good night" HAHA

uhhh its almost 12. SHITTTTTTT. need to wake up at 7 tomorrow. meeting jo at 7.30 :/ IM DEAD! what if i over sleep. HAHA OK OK I BETTER GO NOW XD


i shall blog more next time? will there even BE a next time? O.o

anyway! bye

OH OH! BTW ______ ROCKS! :D

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